We'll talk about whatever happens to cross our minds this week.  Pop Culture, movies, TV shows, games.  We'll disagree about almost everything, especially music.  This is the Car Bomb Podcast.

Much needed update.

Hey all, Host/Editor Chris here with an important message. You’ve probably noticed there’s been a huge absence in episodes during 2023, I take credit but no blame. I have had lots of personal health/wellbeing concerns and so has my wife Jamie and what it’s led to is huge amounts of stress/depression. The absence of episodes isn’t the fault of cast, there’s two episodes in the can that I haven’t been able to upload and edit and I will get to it, but right now is a mental health break which brings me to my point. Never be scared or ashamed to take a mental health break. if you need it, you deserve it. Never be ashamed of taking care of yourself. To anyone reading this, I genuinely love you and I mean it. Thanks for sticking around during a difficult time and I will get back to things as soon as I can.